1. Difference b/w Promise and Callback.
2. Difference b/w Promise and Observer.
3. What is event loop in node js.
4. Difference b/w call, apply and bind.
5. What is middleware in express js.
6. What is JWT and authorization and authentication
7. Difference b/w angular js and angular
8. How to pass data from a component to another component
9. What is aggregate and reduceMap in mongo DB.
10. What is event emitter and why we use event emitter.
11. What is socket.io.
12. What is docker and hosting platform for node
13. What is prototype and why we use prototype.
2. Difference b/w Promise and Observer.
3. What is event loop in node js.
4. Difference b/w call, apply and bind.
5. What is middleware in express js.
6. What is JWT and authorization and authentication
7. Difference b/w angular js and angular
8. How to pass data from a component to another component
9. What is aggregate and reduceMap in mongo DB.
10. What is event emitter and why we use event emitter.
11. What is socket.io.
12. What is docker and hosting platform for node
13. What is prototype and why we use prototype.