Saturday, September 8, 2018

Generally asked MEAN stack question part 2


1. Digest cycle

2. $watch,$watchCollection and $watchGroup

3. How change detection work in angular js

4. Why we use link from CDN

5. What is blocking and non-blocking in node

6. $ajax callback, Complete and Done.

7. {{}} and ng-Bind

8. $httpclient

9. Closure function in javascript

10. Directive lifecycle in angular

11. How change detection work in angular

12. Component lifecycle hooks

13. Difference b/w onChange and doChange

14. Difference b/w constructor and onInit

15. Which type of work we do in constructor and which type of work we do in onInit

16. What is the use of $resource

17. prototype in javascript

18. Inheritance in javascript

19. scope life cycle

20. $digest loop

21. Difference b/w javascript and node js